Hi There, I’m Dana
I spent most of my life searching outside of myself to find a sense of belonging and fulfillment, which led me to unhealthy patterns and behaviors. After starting on a journey of self discovery in early 2000, I realized that there was much more to life and myself than I had ever thought possible.
Yoga and meditation have helped me to see more of my true self and my true potential. I felt as if I had come home. I started to find that feeling of peace and fulfillment that I had been searching for and realized that I could not get this from someone or something outside of myself.
Yoga and a Meditation opened the door for me to drop deeper into my body.

I realized how much intelligence and wisdom our bodies hold. I learned that our emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual belief systems can create physical dis-ease in the body when not cared for and that when we can create a safe space of compassion and grace our bodies will guide us to the best possible healing. I believe that we can heal ourselves through dedication and a lot of self love and self compassion. “Transformation takes time”….. which has led me to many different spiritual teachers and healing modalities. I’ve studied and trained with some of the best on this planet and beyond. By embracing the fact that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, I surrendered to a path led by my soul.
I trusted and am still trusting in my own internal guidance and wisdom. My passion and soul mission is to assist you on your own path to inner empowerment and to embody the truth, wisdom, and divine love of your soul.
I encourage you to come home to yourself and feel that peace and serenity you may have been searching for your whole life.
Dana is a Soul Embodiment Facilitator, Akashic Recored Practitioner, Light Language Channel, Intuitive and Vibrational Healer, Facilitator of Sacred Space, Meditation Guide, Soul Empowerment Guide, Divine Feminine Teacher, Yoga Teacher, & Reiki Master.
In addition to this, she is also a Certified Early Childhood Educator, Certified Doula, Level Three HRT (Heart Resonance Therapy) Practitioner, Bars Practitioner and also certified to teach Kundalini, Hatha, Yin and Prenatal Yoga. She has completed a 6 month Intensive Intuitive Mentorship Program and studied with many international healers and visionaries including:
- Kaia Ra
- Sandra Couts
- Meg Benedicte
- Lauren Zimmerman
- Raquel Spencer
- Sandra Walter
- Eden Amadora
Maureen St Germain
Jamye Price
Zach Rehder
Under the teaching and mentorship of amazing leaders from around the world, Dana has gained a lot of knowledge and a deeper sense of self and soul. She is able to hold these high vibrational frequencies as she embodies her higher self and is anchoring them into her daily life. From this place, Dana is able to support others in their higher self-embodiment with her passion and loving, nurturing heart.
Let yourself live the life you have always imagined.

As I reflect on this altar I had built for my inner child last year I am reminded of what I have come to know over my 20 year journey of deep self/soul discovery. I have come to fully understand within every cell of my body that we are Divine Spiritual Beings having an earthly experience. We didn’t come here to play small. We came here to shine the light of our soul. To embody all of the qualities of our divinity. To love ourselves and others without conditions. To be all of who we are without apologies. To love our own hearts. And to know we are so fully loved by god and that our connection to the divine is what guides us into sacred expression of who we are. Blessings of grace to all.
My Services
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within your self that you have built against it.”

Group Healing Sessions
During these sessions, you will experience transformational shifts leaving you feeling lighter, happier, and back home to yourself.

Akashic Record Soul Readings
These are 1:1 Akashic Record Soul Readings for personal healing and soul empowerment.
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